Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Cool Curly Styles!

Hiya, curly mamas! Here is a picture of two new random styles that I did in Syriah's hair. I'm not very good with corn braids, but I'm getting better each time. I need to practice more so I can really work some magic. 
The only products I used were water and my shea mutter mixture. They both lasted about three days. This is why I say I suck at corn braids. They're supposed to last longer than that, but I didn't do them small enough and they're not tight enough, either. :-/
Here is another Shea Moisture style I did. This actually lasted for several days, up until I had to wash her hair. I love that Coconut and Hibiscus shampoo they have. It's sulfate free, smells great, and full of organic ingredients only. Oh, and it enhances curls. The only problem that I've ever had with this stuff is that when it sits for a few weeks and you take a sniff of it, it may start to smell 'mucky' and weird. Anyone else have this problem? I'm quite sure it isn't just me. O_o
I love photography and I love hair; why not mix the two? Before I started this blog, I had a photography brand called 'Colors of Innocence' instead of 'Curls of Innocence'. I would take pictures and enhance them, and experiment on other people's children as well. But since I discovered that I had a passion for natural hair, I changed the name and incorporated the two.
I should have known that I had a passion for this stuff when I was a teenager. I would take forever doing my hair in the morning, even though hey, what young girl doesn't? I also had a passion for lotion and cosmetics. I LOATHE dry skin and dandruff, so I always tried to stay 'silky smooth'. I would get excited to try a new product then, only to realize that it didn't 'cure' my dandruff or my dry skin. So, today, I've created the shea butter stuff, which works for both hair and skin. Take that, you petroleum-paraben-and-sulfate-laced lotions and hair creams! Haha!
But I mostly loved doing little girl's hair. I adore the cute styles and the versatility. My mom used to babysit this pair of two-year-old twin girls a long time ago, and their mother never really had time to do their hair in the morning. The poor kids looked like ragamuffins. LOL! So I started doing their hair, and their mother actually appreciated it.
It was fun because both girls had two different hair textures. One's hair was thin and silky, the other's was thicker and dryer. I loved playing in their hair. Now I have my own daughters to play with! Can't wait for baby Symari to get older so I can see what type of hair she has. So far, Syriah and Jam have the same exact type.
Anyway, enjoy the styles! I'll be posting more very soon. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. Also, join our Facebook page! =) http://www.facebook.com/pages/Curls-of-Innocence/256662627753918?ref=hl

Peace out, curly mamas! <3

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