Friday, July 18, 2014

Changes and Setbacks?

Hiya, guys! I've been mega busy lately with these kids. Everyone's hair has been slacking a bit, including mine. After I had Jalani, who is 2 months old now, my hair has been suffering from me not taking the best care of it while pregnant because I was so overly tired.
I did not keep up on my deep conditioning, which has made my colored ends suffer. Bleh. Working on repairing that now.

Shrunken hair       Stretched hair (I'm at hip length now!)

Click the picture below for a video on how I touched up my color a few months ago!

The mini braids in this pic are out now though after having them in for 2 weeks.

So, anyway, I have been full swinging into YouTube now. Video editing is super fun, and I have tons of content to record if I think hard enough, so that is where a lot of my free time goes now. It's good in a way because it keeps me from gaming too much lol!
I have been doing the new 'Failed It or Nailed It' series that I mentioned last post. It's AWESOME! 

The breakage that I had experienced in my hair a few months prior has been slowly getting better. I still have a lot of short pieces of hair, but it is growing back fast, and soon, I'll finally be able to blend it in with the rest of my hair again and it won't be sticking up all over the place like flyaways. Yay for progress there!
Syriah's hair has been super dry lately, but I don't have time to work deep conditioning into HER regimen. So I keep doing what I've been doing... protective styling mostly, leave ins every other day, water and AVJ spritz, oil mixture, shea butter on top. I've been slacking on her hair care because baby Lani, homeschooling them, and keeping the house clean has been taking up my time. :/

Symari's hair has definately felt the burn of not having her hair constantly moisturized. She has had severe matted bed hair every time I turn around, no matter what style I put it in! She sleeps super wild, which doesn't help at all

Jam's hair is coming along and growing a lot! I love the new look he has going on. It's fun experimenting with his hair because he has 3C curls, unlike his sister's 3A-3B tresses.
In fact, he currently needs a haircut on the underside of his head again LOL!

That's all for now, folks! Hope you enjoyed this update. Peace out, curly mamas!
~Epic Realist~

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